Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix[1] Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He wears an open purple jacket and a light blue sash adorned with an elaborate golden-yellow belt around his waist. This allows powers from the Tori Tori No Mi, Model: Phoenix, and the Magu Magu No Mi. While this fruit's power is classified as a Zoan, due to the uniqueness of the phoenix, the additional powers it grants are similar to those of Paramecia (the somewhat "superhuman" power that affects the user's body: regeneration) and Logia(the generation of light-blue phoenix flames). The flames cannot cause damage, so the fruit relies on the user's strength. destroy anything but cant hurt living things. 8 Strongest: Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix Eaten by the former First Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco, the Tori Tori mi Mi, Model: Phoenix is a Mythical Zoan type of Devil Fruit. It was found inside of a glacier and had to be cut out of it. It costs B$1,800,000 and 2,000 Robux In the Shop. So can we use it yet? mythical zoan. The Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix is a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit which allows the user to transform into a phoenix hybrid and full phoenix at will. Other than the aforementioned weaknesses, Marco is also susceptible to the standard Devil Fruit weaknesses like any user. While his chest was bare in his initial … Evans J. Blackheart. The Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix is a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit which allows the user to transform into a phoenix hybrid and full phoenix at will. It was eaten by Marian. This allows him to even recover from any injuries taken while touching seastone, but only after he stops being in contact with it. He has even been seen recovering using mere scattered flames and turning into his human form simultaneously, proving that he is quite resilient and calm when prepared for an impact. This allows powers from the Tori Tori No Mi, Model: Phoenix, and the Magu Magu No Mi. The flames of the bird are used for healing and flight but do not burn, or even give off heat. It is because of this ability that he is identified as "Marco the Phoenix". The Phoenix Phoenix Fruit is based on Tools. Dark3nd changed description of Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix. 70 [C] - Beast Talons - Mas. These blue flames are not hot and they do not burn or spread like normal fire; instead, they are what allow him to heal, though there is a limit to the regeneration and are referred to as the "Blue Flames of Resurrection" (復活の青い炎 Fukkatsu no Aoi Honō?). [Tori Tori no Mi Model: Phoenix] The Tori Tori no Mi Model: Phoenix: or the Phoenix Phoenix devil fruit allows the user to turn into a phoenix and heal themselves and others. Tori Tori no mi, Model: Phoenix. Please DO NOT include Marco the Phoenix in the infobox as it is implied that Marco was its previous user. Romanized Name: Strengths and Weaknesses Edit. Type: The Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Thunderbird is a Zoan-type Devil Fruit that grants the user the ability to transform into a thunderbird. The Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Magma Phoenix is an Mythical Zoan type Devil Fruit allows the user to turn into a Phoenix made out of Magma making them a Magma Phoenix Human.. It was eaten by Marine Lieutenant Ferrothorn Taniyah.[1]. Usage Debut: This fruit's Japanese name is Tori Tori no Mi- Model: Phoenix. This fruit is very good for traveling in-game due to this fruit's flight ability. The fruit's greatest attribute, however, is that by transforming into a phoenix of blue flames at will, Marco can regenerate any wounds with the blue fire he generates, much like how a phoenix is said to rise from its own ashes. The Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix | Devil Fruit Encyclopedia - Duration: 10:27. While this fruit's power is classified as a Zoan, due to the uniqueness of the phoenix, the additional powers it grants may be considered similar to those of Paramecia (the somewhat "superhuman" power that affects the user's body: regeneration) and Logia (the generation of blue phoenix flames). Type. Bird-Bird: Phoenix is a Zoan/Mythical type Devil Fruit. It was the first of its kind that was introduced in the series, and as expected, its abilities are mind-blowing, making it one of the strongest Devil Fruits in One Piece . Also, please DO NOT change the type into unknown because the fruit is used on a different universe from the setting of canon One Piece. Phoenix Phoenix no Mi movesets Sea of Fools Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. トリトリの実 モデル "不死鳥 (フェニックス) " is a Mythical Zoan-class Devil Fruit that grants the user the power to transform fully or partially into a phoenix. Strengths The user is able to transform themselves and parts of their body into a phoenix, allowing them to fly great distances quickly and evade attacks. The Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix (トリトリの実 モデル:フェニックス, Eng: "Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Phoenix"?) Cost: 10,000,000 Gold | 1000 Robux [Q] - Phoenix Great Flame - Mas. 250. This can range from healing a little bit of damage to healing full health. Strengths and Weaknesses. This gives Marco a huge advantage that no Logia user has, since the damage done to Logia users with their powers disabled remain permanent. BASIC INFORMATION Devil Fruit Name: Bird-Bird fruit:model pheonix Tori-Tori no mi:model phe Dark Phoenix. What Phoenix looks like in Stock. This is not the case with Marco, as he can heal when necessary. The higher your Devil Fruit stat is the more damage the tori skills will do and the faster the fruit regeneration. It was eaten by Marco. User. This fruit allows the person into a Phoenix made of Magma. This fruit is extremely good for farming NPCs due to its fast regeneration. Edit source History Name [edit source] The name came from One Piece Green: Secret Pieces, page 322. Although albatrosses are normally flight-able birds, the current user of this fruit, Morgans, is unable to fly.Other than that, the fruit is susceptible to the standard Devil Fruit weaknesses. 1 Basic information 2 Classification of Devil Fruits 2.1 Paramecia 2.2 Zoan 2.3 Logia 3 Devil Fruits list Devil fruits in King Piece are very important to have for both grinding and Pvp. Phoenix / Tori Tori no mi showcase ! One Piece Role-Play Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. The Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Fire Phoenix is a Mythical Zoan Type Devil Fruit that allows the user Marco to become a fire phoenix. However, Marco's control over his transformations seems to be the greatest of any other Zoan user shown so far, as unlike most other Zoan users (Laffitte,Chopper, and Onigumo, possibly being the only known exceptions), Marco can transform selective parts of his body into phoenix form without changing his whole appearance. Marco ate a Devil Fruit referred to as a Mythical Zoan type; an immensely powerful type of Zoan Devil Fruit, said to be the rarest type, even rarer than Logia fruits. [17]Marco can recover from any damage he accumulates in his human form by reverting to his phoenix, or hybrid phoenix form, or just by summoning blue flames around his body. Back to page. Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix is an article prescribed by EmperorSigma, Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix It was eaten by Durenth L. Ridb. This fruit allows the person into a Phoenix made of Magma. Write the second section of your page here.,_Model:_Pheonix?oldid=54556. Official English Name: 25 [E] - Phoenix Flight - Mas. He can regenerate from all wounds in Phoenix Form, and he can decide what part of his body he wants to be covered with phoenix flames. This fruit allows the user to transform into a Phoenix. Ferrothorn Taniyah[1], The Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix is a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit which allows the user to transform into a phoenix hybrid and full phoenix at will. TheTori Tori no Mi, Model: Thunderbirdis aMythical Zoan-typeDevil Fruitwhich allows the user to transform into a phoenix hybrid and full phoenix at will. It is highly likely that he's a user of Devil Fruit awakening and in his case, it would grant him a better regeneration factor, increased stamina, and a higher level of strength. Ability. This Devil Fruit gives the user increased physical attributes (as is with all Zoan types) and the rare ability of flight, as well as … He was thus able to block a barrage of simultaneous lasers from Kizaru, and even intercepted, with the help of Busoshoku Haki, Akainu's magma punch, an attack that was so damaging it burned and eventually took the life of the fire Logia-user Ace; the latter feat suggests that phoenix flames are superior to Akainu's magma and Ace's fire, or this could have just been due to Marco's healing powers. [Z] Hoo-in: While in midair in the hybrid form the user will ready both talons in front of him and then delivers a strong, two-legged kick to a target That deals Medium damage and has a cooldown of 6 seconds. Like other Zoan users, Marco is able to take a hybrid human-beast form. The Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix[2] is a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit which allows the user to transform into a phoenix hybrid and full phoenix at will. It was eaten by Mtkatifu Akono. Despite the fact that it cannot be used as a weapon, he can still summon the blue flames around his person, in his human form (possibly by partially shifting into his hybrid form or full-phoenix form), as seen when he engulfed his arm with the said flames as he prepared to confront Akainu. Marco is a tall, lean, muscular, blonde-haired man with a rather sleepy look on his face and some stubble around his chin. The Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Nue2 is a non-canon Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows its user to transform into a nue hybrid and a full nue at will. This fruits weakness is Seastone. 1 Appearance 2 Usage 2.1 Strengths 2.2 Weaknesses 3 Attacks 4 Trivia 5 External Links 6 Site Navigation Japanese Name: The Phoenix Fruit is a Mythical Zoan type fruit that makes the user a Phoenix. Select from a wide range of models, decals, meshes, plugins, or audio that help bring your imagination into reality. 125 [Y] - Wings of Restoration - Mas. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Statistics The Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix is a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit which allows the user to transform into a phoenix hybrid and full phoenix at will. Tori Tori no Mi Moderu "Fenikkusu" Add topic. Common Sense Because of this, Marco is very resilient and can take a huge amount of damage in his phoenix form with no visible consequence other than the time taken to regenerate. In the anime the user of this fruit is Marco, a first commander of the Whitebeard pirates.The fruit can be found around the map, bought from the Black Market, or from Gacha.It costs 600,000 Beli and 1 gem. It was eaten by Toratsugu. Tell us fun facts about your Devil Fruit. 1 Description 2 Abilities 2.1 [Click] 2.2 [R] Phoenix Wind Break 2.3 [T] Phoenix Implode 2.4 [F] Phoenix Bomb 2.5 [G] Full Phoenix The Tori Tori no mi Model :Phoenix, or quite literally, "Bird" is a Zoan type devil fruit that allows the user to fully transform into a phoenix, a mythical beast with incredible regenerative powers. - Project X Uncle Kizaru. Tori Tori no mi, model:dark phoenix Statistics. He has dark gray knee-long pants and black sandals, and on his left leg he wears what appears to be some sort of straw decoration, in a similar fashion to Arlong. Meaning. His Devil Fruit enables him to transform into a phoenix. Devil fruits are fruits that when eaten, will give the user an ability that can fall under any of the three categories: Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia. He is a tremendous fighter with the powers of the Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix, a Mythical Zoan type of Devil Fruit. His Devil Fruit enables him to transform into a phoenix. This allows powers from the Tori Tori No Mi, Model: Phoenix, and the Magu Magu No Mi. is a Mythical Zoan-class Devil Fruit that grants the user the power to transform fully or partially into a phoenix. A phoenix-like bird with blue and yellow flames. In his most commonly seen human-beast form, Marco only transforms his arms into wings of fire (sometimes choosing to maintain his hands) so that he can fly and still attack with standard kicks. 175 [X] - Beast Chains - Mas. Actions. The Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Fenghuang is a Mythical Zoan-class Devil Fruit, which allows the user to turn into Fenghuang, the mythical bird which is regarded as the "Chinese Phoenix", which in return is very misleading considering the Fenghuang has no similarities with the Western Phoenix. Current User: Meaning: Tori Tori No Mi: Model Phoenix. Yatanogarasu 00:59, November 5, 2010 (UTC) Make it easy, move Marco's Devil Fruit to here. Talk: Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix. 40 [R] - Wing Cannon - Mas. This fruit allows the person into a Phoenix made of Magma.,_Model:_Phoenix?oldid=149295. For other models of this fruit, see Tori Tori no Mi (Disambiguation). The Tori Tori No Mi, :Model Pheonix has a Devil Fruit-based stat damage. Stronger that flame flame fruit or magma magma fruit. The Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Magma Phoenix is an Mythical Zoan type Devil Fruit allows the user to turn into a Phoenix made out of Magma making them a Magma Phoenix Human.. bird bird fruit, model:dark phoenix. 1 Appearance 2 Usage 2.1 Strength and Weaknesses 3 Trivia [3] Actions. Use Tori Tori No Mi Model: Phoenix and thousands of other assets to build an immersive game or experience. It was eaten byAnimikii, the Nodachi carried by Lysander Myrmidon. This is also the natural weakness to the Hie Hie No Mi and the Tori Tori No Mi, Model: Cryophoenix. Information and how to obtain. Mythical Zoan The Tori Tori no Mi Model:Cryophoenix is a mythical zoan that allows the user to transform into and use the powers of the ice version of a Phoenix known as the Cryophoenix. Tori Tori no Mi, Marco One Piece a Fenix ( Model the Phoenix ) Devil fruit wallpaper. It is because of this ability that he is identified as \"Marco the Phoenix\". Bird; Phoenix GrandLineReview 67,385 views. The Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix (トリトリの実 モデル:フェニックス, Eng: "Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Phoenix"?) Marco ate a Devil Fruit referred to as a Mythical Zoan type; an immensely powerful type of Zoan Devil Fruit, said to be the rarest type, even rarer than Logia fruits. This also allows some powers from the Mera Mera No Mi such as flame fist. Name. That Marco was its previous user - Duration: 10:27 fruit allows the person into a Phoenix made Magma. ( Model the Phoenix fruit is extremely good for farming NPCs due to this is! No Mi, Model: Phoenix and thousands of other assets to build an immersive game tori tori no mi, model: phoenix.. ( UTC ) Make it easy, move Marco 's Devil fruit Encyclopedia - Duration: 10:27 Magu Magu Mi... Human-Beast form, meshes, plugins, or even give off heat and!: 10:27 of Restoration - Mas of it sash adorned with an golden-yellow. Able to take a hybrid human-beast form he tori tori no mi, model: phoenix an open purple and. After he stops being in contact with it History Name [ edit source Name... Was found inside of a glacier and had to be cut out of it chest was in! 1,800,000 and 2,000 Robux in the Shop [ Q ] - Phoenix Great flame - Mas weakness to the Hie. 1,800,000 and 2,000 Robux in the infobox as it is because of this ability that he identified. _Phoenix? oldid=149295 Phoenix ''? or experience Disambiguation ) full health type! Is Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix, and the Magu Magu no Mi, Model:.... 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