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INDIVIDUAL HOUSEHOLD LATRINE(IHHL) APPLICATION Dated : 31/05/2016 State : Orissa District : Balangir ULB Name : Patnagarh (NAC) Approved Application From Date : 01/01/2015 To Date : 31/05/2016 SNO War d No. >f7r?YL?/jr)W>;ge*$9#7*O6X!YD&kn_q]&O0-jU1iGGJ!ZUL=1G`/;jh;dh9'G= 2. drb.k\Mbeh0)c(3=UYF'5-:>LAC"DI+K&c#VmY!O1\+g6qlDAuOBAO;2*a(Y)87\I 12,000 (Now 20,000 added) to families to encourage them to build toilets. N-WNI94n2(Yt52Ln=7S;eY>&WVkuK^'@ORC@q17/!h3Ff&"k>X+Ae[CEhF?Xfo534 �� � } !1AQa"q2���#B��R��$3br� lrD]=cTaYWSe&u'C.KUpU`WY=j'o,XEu6*qLN/_C62SIXCXlh?% %+sf`b8DS:rE_dO!$5?YjfLQU=[BQI(8r>E+Qd*rM&\c.QB4BH.^?pSNs/@pWut&C 6N*$t>K'Ggp'6#M--XN)Q6B4F8MgEVX@lpucdDBnCO66`,Bc:c(^LiQ\>aD.+&5rY endobj
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^õÿ`[E=yÉv2‘U Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a campaign launched by Prime Minister of India on 2nd October 2014 as a mission to accelerate the efforts to achieve universal sanitation coverage across the nation. "5-iC%C_mAs\Q(c]lUjA7^Mc@)VJK2IJ (_T!L/POfn?F*l.#-u4F]L?]B2>hrJ? ᔓ¡Ô4°èHİyûqBaMFuè\FÏpşàV\À+0X5~ç1KĞM%{ÿ�½ ¬İeowOçH¼»¶^ÎS€ Ì*°
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