Children of any age are welcome. Over 2 million Wildebeest, Zebra and Gazelles move through the Serengeti and Masai Mara ecosystem in search of green pastures and safe calving ground. The annual migration of the wildebeest is one of the most impressive sights in Africa. Without a degree of natural mortality, the wildebeest population could spiral out of control and totally change the balance of this expansive ecosystem in which they perform a lead role. And should you be unable to visit the location of the migration during your visit, don’t worry, life still goes on throughout the park, with smaller groups of wildebeest, zebra and gazelles remaining resident in the more fertile areas of the park throughout the year; the lazy or the clever ones? When the drought comes in May, the herd moves north, to the Masai Mara in Kenya, chomping down the high green grass, quickly followed by the gazelles and zebras. Wildebeests were colored with the habit of staying and moving together in monumental groups. The migration phase lasts between January and March when there is plenty of grass for the over 200,000 zebras, which precede over 1.5 million wildebeests who are then followed by thousands of other plain game like gazelles. The wildebeest return to the short- grass plains and calving ground around Ndutu in late November. November – December The Migration herds often split moving south via the eastern, western and central Serengeti.The herds are moving again, down past Grumeti or straight down to the Central Serengeti. Predators like lions and hyenas are constantly hunting for babies, and thousands and thousands of calves are born within a couple weeks of each other – a feast for the eyes of true wildlife enthusiasts. Serengeti National Park Migration From here the migration heads north again, through the park and towards the Kenyan border where it will arrive by July. As wildebeest, zebra and other ungulates are so many, and give birth to so many calves, the spectacle works as a magnet for predators. The Serengeti National Park is a Tanzanian national park in the Serengeti ecosystem in the Mara and Simiyu regions. This 8 Days Serengeti Migration Safari by Kilinge Adventures, is a special African Holiday Package for Witnessing the Great Serengeti Wildebeest Migration. It is famous and well known for its annual migration of over 1.5 million white-bearded (or brindled) wildebeest and 250,000 zebra and for its numerous Nile crocodile and honey badger.That migration is the largest remaining unaltered animal migration. The herd stayed there for about three weeks before resuming their southbound journey. Although variations occur from year to year, the Serengeti migration follows a reasonably predictable annual cycle, dictated by local rainfall patterns. However, the plains dry and the wildebeest are forced to move in search of greener pastures in the western corridor. This is what spurs the migration northward to the Mara River region. I All rights reserved I Disclaimer I Sitemap I FAQ & help. A better representation of the cirlcle of life probably cannot be found anywhere else in the world. In May the Rainy season arrives and brings heavy precipitation to the west of the park. There is neither a start nor finish to their journey; merely a relentless sequence of life and death. © 2021 Tanzania Tourist Board | The Official Tourism Portal for Tanzania. Amazingly, it’s estimated that 500,000 calves are born here during a tiny 4-6 week window across February-March. In this period the herd will cross the northern plains and Lobo area. Many animals don’t survive the crossing as they are being awaited by the area’s population of oversized crocodiles ready to feast. Up to 400,000 calves are born in a synchronized birthing within just two to three weeks of one another! Chances that you will be at the exact spot of the Great Migration herd crossing a river (either at the Grumeti or Mara River) are very slim. Or maybe you would like some more specific information about the different lodges? Shortly after this the fertile plains bear a heavy cover of grass drawing the migration westward towards it. Many of the lodges and safari camps are located in great positions for the arrival of the migration in their area and throughout the park numerous luxury mobile camps pop-up in time for the arrival of the herd. Wildebeest Migration Cycle ( the great wildebeest migration) is described as the circular movement that wildebeests take across the East African plains of the savannah. It is a matter of choice whether you would like to plan your Serengeti safari around the Great Migration. For tourists who would like to see the young wildebeest, this is a great time to visit the Serengeti. The Great Wildebeest Migration is the largest animal migration in the world. Accompanied by 200,000 zebra, 350,000 gazelles and 12,000 eland this strange wonder of the natural world circulates the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania and the Masai Mara Game Reserve in Kenya, its path dictated by rainfall and the resulting growth of grasses on the plains. During this pause, thousands of baby’s are born each day. Wildebeest Migration Cycle. When the Grumeti River obstacle has been taken, the herd moves further north and starts crossing the next big hurdle, the Mara River, in July or August. The northern extension of the ecosystem has the highest rainfall, but the grasses are least nutritious. The journey for the key players in the Great Migration, the roughly two million wildebeest, starts in the south of the Serengeti, with the birth of half a million calves between January and March. The actual starting date may be anytime between late April and early June. Much of their journey passes through various parts of the Serengeti … This is the period that the wildebeest, after having feasted on the short green grasses of the southeastern Serengeti and after having giving birth to their offspring, start getting ready for their 800 kilometer long trek. The Serengeti Ndutu Kati Kati Tented Camp is a seasonally mobile camp, strategically situated in the south of the Serengeti from December to the end of March to enable guests to witness the start of the phenomenal Great Wildebeest Migration. This trip starts in the world-famous Ngorongoro Crater and Lake Manyara before moving to the Serengeti for the thrilling Great Migration river crossings! The humble leader of the migration is the Wildebeest, known to be lacking in intelligence, earning it the affectionate moniker ‘clown of the plains’. The great wildebeast migration of Serengeti in Tanzania is a world renowned phenomenon where millions of Wildebeasts, Zebras & a horde of predators along with them migrate towards northern Tanzania & bits of Kenya’s Masai Mara park in … Not to mention the famous Serengeti lion population: by far the largest in Africa. The wildebeest reach the Kenya border roughly around late July, which is when the most renowned part of the Great Migration truly begins: the Mara River crossings, where thousands of hungry crocodiles are waiting. The Great Wildebeest Migration happens 365 days a year but we’re the only ones that can guarantee you’ll see it. Herds are broken into splinter herds, moving at a different pace. The Mara River crossing is where so many iconic Great Migration photos have been taken. The great Migration of the Serengeti is considered one of ‘The Ten Wonders of The Natural World’, and one of the best events in Tanzania to witness. Crossing the Mara River northbound means that, at one point, the herd needs to cross the river one more time before commencing the trek back in a southerly direction. Serengeti National Park Migration From here the migration heads north again, through the park and towards the Kenyan border where it will arrive by July. A truly awe-inspiring spectacle of life in an expansive ecosystem ruled by rainfall and the urge for survival amongst the herbivores of the Serengeti plains. The precise timing of the migration is entirely dependent upon the rainfall patterns each year. The Great Migration Of Serengeti The Serengeti is a vast ecosystem in east-central Africa. However, migration patterns show that about half of the herd stays on the Tanzanian side, in the Mara Serengeti area. The great Migration of the Serengeti is considered one of 'The Ten Wonders of The Natural World’, and one of the best events in Tanzania to witness. Continuously they will seek areas of good grazing in the Mara, enabled by their evolved ability to travel large distances very quickly and economically. The geologic forces that shaped this vast plain created … Serengeti Wildebeest Migration – November to June. From December until March the herd roams the plains of the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. When planning your Serengeti safari you probably want to include seeing the Great Migration. Witnessing the Great MIgration in the Serengeti for one of nature’s most spectacular displays. The long and short of it is that you can’t. It is in this period where birthing takes place. The wildebeest will instinctively start heading south again, trekking down through the eastern woodlands and back into the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. May to June: the beginning of the migration. This is also the time of the annual rut, and start of the gestation period (eight and a half months) of the next year’s calves. By May the Serengeti's wildebeest all seem to be moving north, migrating to seek fresh grazing and water. With 90 per cent of the cows heavy with the new season’s young the journey is ready to start once again with the birth of the next generation of calves. The Great Migration in the Serengeti National Park is the largest single movement of wild animals on the planet. An hour outside of the Lamai Airstrip in the northern part of the Serengeti sits Alex Walker’s Serian Camp, one of four total camps as part of the Serian collection. We have mentioned earlier that the Serengeti is a year-round destination as it covers a vast area and offers unparalleled wildlife viewing. When water and food become scarce the wildebeest are prompted to start their migration north and west. And from here, the Great Migration starts all over again. After spending some time there and being comfortable, the rutting season follows—lasting from late May to early July—and eventually leads to the start of the Great Migration. These move in an annual pattern that is fairly predictable. This section of Serengeti National Park is little-visited, so if you are looking to see the migration in relative quietness, this would be the time. Towards the end of the month, by the time the light rains have begun, the wildebeest begin to descend south in their second big migration of the year. This is just after the 'short' rainy season, so the grass here is rich and ideal to support the young. During the migration, the herd will move towards the Western Corridor, where they will face the first major obstacle: crossing the Grumeti River. You are here Around 1.5 million wildebeests, with hundreds of thousands of zebras, elands, gazelles along with a trailing retinue of predators, leave their calving grounds in southern Serengeti, around March and April, heading for the next water source. It offers... October.. October is a good time to see the wildebeest herds move back into the Serengeti. The story begins with the wildebeest calving season in the Ndutu region of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and the Southern Serengeti plains, where the wildebeest begin to congregrate together from December. The herd may congregate on the southern bank of the river and stay there for up to two weeks before crossing the river. Each year around the same time, the circular great wildebeest migration begins in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area of the southern Serengeti in Tanzania and loops in a clockwise direction through the Serengeti National Park and north towards the Masai Mara reserve in Kenya. Between January and March the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Maswa Game Reserve, south-east of the Serengeti offer refuge during what is the short dry season thanks to its numerous rivers and spring grasses, allowing an opportunity for the Wildebeest to rest and give birth. The Great Wildebeest Migration in Tanzania. Countless wildlife movies have been recorded in the Serengeti, and with good reason: this is the home of the Great Migration and may very well be one of the last true natural wonders on planet earth. The herds stay in the central Serengeti in April and May, then slowly move north toward Kenya in search of fresh pasture. Web: This is the period that the wildebeest, after having feasted on the short … May-July. The Wildebeest scatter and spread out again once they reach the open plains having completed a journey of over 500 miles. The mass calving season attracts all kinds of predators to the area, all eager to snag th… This area is often called Southern-Serengeti. Email: But seeing a group of lions collaborating to hunt down a wildebeest is an unforgettable sight. The 800 kilometer trek of the immense wildebeest herd is the largest mammal migration on earth. We’ll let you decide! It is from this point that the migration takes on one of its most spectacular and deadly advances: - the river crossings; in the Serengeti the Mbalangeti and Grumeti rivers, and in Kenya, the most famous crossing; the Mara river. Tanzania. For any visitor to the Serengeti, the wildlife spectacle of the migration offers a huge enhancement to what is already an overwhelming sight. Great Migration River Crossing Season & Zanzibar (11n) – Value. We have detailed the Great Migration below, and this is what usually happens, but keep in mind that there are no guarantees. The savannah dries up and food becomes scarce in Central Serengeti come July. These areas are safer because predators can be easily spotted making it an ideal place for calving. This is the dry season retreat for the wildebeest, at least until the south becomes green again. The Great Migration -Serengeti Adventure. With most wildebeest calves born in a short window around February. Unsurprisingly, this period presents a veritable feast for any accompanying predators - and the first challenge in the wildebeest’s life - with hundreds of hyenas and lions scattered across this area taking their chances with a potential glut of vulnerable newborns. So how do you ensure to be there when it happens? The result is a clockwise movement from the south, west, north, and back to the south. Once reaching the grasslands of the Masai Mara in August, the wildebeest spend several months feeding and fattening once more, taking advantage of the scattered distribution of green pastures and isolated rainstorms. From here the migration heads north again, through the park and towards the Kenyan border where it will arrive by July. Please fill in the contact form and we will get back to you soon! As May comes to an end, so too does the rainy season. P.O.Box 2485, Dar es Salaam, Although the timing of the migration changes every year based on the environmental factors, the movement of the wildebeests begins at Ngorongoro Conservation area in So… Many adults and calves are lost to crocodile and lion attacks, drowned or crushed by the herd and calves regularly become separated from their mothers on the wrong side of the river, resulting in little hope for their survival. Migration in January, February, and March This called the calving season in southern Serengeti National Park. Tanzania Tourist Board Children of any age are welcome. Its intelligence and ability to survive in such a harsh environment as the East African bush lies in its strength in numbers - a super-herd in the seemingly never-ending circle of life of the Serengeti. © 2018 - 2021. This usually happens in October, but sometimes earlier. After reaching these plains they enjoy the nutritious grass from January through March. It spans 12,000 square miles (30,000 square kilometers) giving rise to its name, which is derived from the Maasai language and means “endless plains.” Per Person Prices From Still have questions? The result has been shown around the world on numerous nature documentaries and is truly awesome show of the deadly reality this migration faces. Articles ›   By late October, the first of the short rains fall on the scrawny grass plains to the south of the Serengeti, filling seasonal waterholes and bringing fresh growths of grass. Serengeti National Park Migration. Enjoy a Serengeti East Safari during October and November when the mega herds return from Masai Mara in Kenya to the rich plains of the Serengeti National Park, east of the Grumeti River, passing through Lobo and Western Loliondo and under the majestic Gol … (Ndutu area-South Serengeti & Ngorongoro Conservation Area (calving season second half of February/March). The Serengeti National Park is a Tanzanian national park in the Serengeti ecosystem in the Mara and Simiyu regions. In this period, smaller herds of wildebeest (well consider small… herds may count up to between 500 and thousands of individuals) frequently cross the Mara River, back and forth, for no apparent reason. Per Person Prices From North-Mara River The mighty Mara River snakes across the northern tip of the Serengeti National Park on its westward flow into Lake Victoria. Utalii House - Laibon street/Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road - Near French Embassy Then, with the beginning of the short rains in late October, the migration makes its way back into the Serengeti. The timing of the migration coincides with greening of nutritious grasses on the short-grass plains during the wet season. It really begins in February/March in the southern Serengeti during calving season when thousands of baby wildebeest are born each day (that’s also worth putting on your itinerary if that time of year works into your schedule better). Email: However, if you choose the right part of the Serengeti: the southeast and Ndutu from December through to May, the Western Corridor from May to July, the Serengeti Mara area from July trough to October, and the northern Serengeti and Lobo area in October and November, large herds of wildebeest and their entourage should be easily located. Every year, more than 2 million animals (wildebeest, zebra, and gazelle) migrate in a clockwise direction across the ecosystems of the Serengeti ( Tanzania ) and the Masai Mara ( Kenya ). The Great Migration in the Serengeti Plains. Also, the timing of herd movements cannot be guaranteed. When it reaches the area the herd splits up and spreads out leaving wildebeest herds as far as the eye can see. Triggering their move to this area are the short rains in November and December. About 1 million wildebeest are constantly on the move following the path of the rains and the new grass. Read all about Africa's biggest wildlife event on this page. Every year, more than 2 million animals (wildebeest, zebra, and gazelle) migrate in a clockwise direction across the ecosystems of the Serengeti ( Tanzania ) and the Masai Mara ( Kenya ). Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Serengeti, Africa’s leading National Park 2020 - by World Travel Awards, Tanzania, Africa's Best Safari Country 2017 - by SafariBookings, Mt. They stay here through January, February, and March. By April the Wildebeest begin their journey, moving in en-mass, head to tail, northwards into the National Park and passing through the popular central area of the park at Seronera. The “Great Migration” actually refers to a part of a cycle that millions of these animals partake in every year. The name Serengeti is … Standing out as one of the most spectacular wonders of the natural world, the Great Migration is an annual migration of millions of wildebeest, zebras, and other herbivores migrating clockwise through the Serengeti in Tanzania and Kenya’s Masai Mara in search of good water and green pastures. Nature is as nature does and the herd turned around, back into the Masai Mara in Kenya. Around February, all the big herds come together and go southwards in the Ndutu area. NATIONAL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF COVID-19 IN THE TOURISM OPERATIONS, Serengeti National Park - UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Thirsty Serengeti wildlife to get new water hole: Lake Victoria. It is famous and well known for its annual migration of over 1.5 million white-bearded (or brindled) wildebeest and 250,000 zebra and for its numerous Nile crocodile and honey badger.That migration is the largest remaining unaltered animal migration. A favourite season for many of the seasoned Serengeti guides: the air during these months is full of new life and action. The annual migration of two million ungulates, wildebeest but also enormous groups of zebra and Thomson's gazelle, Grant's gazelle and eland, through Serengeti National Park is the greatest wildlife spectacle of its type in Africa, and perhaps the world. The August – September period is considered being a bad time to visit Serengeti National Park and see the Great Migration as the herd moves into the Masai Mara in Kenya. We hope you have found all information needed to decide that Serengeti National Park is the perfect place for your next travel adventure. The only beginning is the moment of birth and the only ending is death - which can come only too easily in the migration. In November 2013, the wildebeest already started trekking back to the southern Serengeti short-grass plains when suddenly it started raining north of the Mara River. At this time the herd migrates south to the Southern Plains. April and May are generally characterised by having a long rainy season, so the massive herds of antelopes have plentiful food at their home in Central Serengeti… In its defence, the Wildebeest is a successful team player and as a gregarious herbivore it reaches up to 1.5 million in numbers as part of the migration. It is important to realize that the decision of when to visit the Serengeti always involves an element of risk. The great Serengeti Great Migration Safaris is the movement of vast numbers of the Serengeti's wildebeest. The Great Migration of the Serengeti September.. September is your last chance to see the epic Mara River crossings in the Serengeti or Masai Mara. Nor is it confined to the un-fenced National Park, and instead seamlessly flows into the surrounding Game Reserves. We don’t wait for the herds to come to us, we take you to them – leaving no trace. You can see the Great Migration in Tanzania year round, whilst the best months to see action in Kenya tend to be September and October. It accompanied by large numbers of zebra, and smaller numbers of Grant's gazelle, Thompson's gazelle, eland, and impala. The herds stay in the central Serengeti in April and May, then slowly move north toward Kenya in search of fresh pasture. The best time to visit the western Serengeti is from late May to mid-July, which coincides with the northward wildebeest migration. February is usually calving season in the Ndutu area and the southeastern plains: the very best time to visit this area. For most of the year these rivers are relatively placid and often dry, but come the rains they become violent torrents presenting major obstacles to the progress of the wildebeest. During the calving season, the great migration makes a small pause. Despite the abundance of hoofed meat in this area, life is not easy for these big cats in this unforgiving landscape. Also, known as World cup Migration. By December, the herds trek past Seronera - a small settlement in central Serengeti where the official Serengeti Visitors’ Centre is located - to return to their calving grounds again, and the circle is complete. December – March The rainy season usually begins in October. The migration is an ongoing phenomenon that sees upwards of 2 million wildebeest travel in search of food. Gradually they spread west across these plains, then around April they start their great migration north. Where are the herds in November? The Serengeti National Park is in Northern Tanzania, spanning approximately 30,000 square kilometers of land. The Western Corridor including the Grumeti Game Reserve and Ikorongo Game Reserve host the majority of the migration through June, offering the Game a chance to build up their strength for the journey ahead. They stay here through January, February and March, with most wildebeest calves born in a short window around February. The migration is not without risk: crossing rivers means facing about 3,000 crocodiles, patiently waiting for a kill. This is the time to you may have the privilege to see one of the greatest natural phenomena in the world: more than a million marching animals in a column up to 40 kilometers long. After this crossing the herd flocks to the northwest plains and Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. The wildebeest reach the Kenya border roughly around late July, which is when the most renowned part of the Great Migration truly begins: the Mara River crossings, where thousands of hungry crocodiles are waiting. The likelihood is that at the beginning of November, the herds are still lingering in the northern Serengeti regions of Kogatende and Lamai and you can still catch river crossings at this time. The Great Wildebeest Migration in Tanzania is the annual movement of over 2 million wildebeests across the Serengeti and Mara ecosystem and is considered one of the 8 natural wonders of the world.. During the great wildebeest migration in Tanzania, other wildlife species such as gazelles, elands and zebras can also be seen along with the wildebeests. As the migration is in a circular motion around the Serengeti/Maasai ecosystem it’s essentially an ongoing event. It’s also an event that is primarily driven by the weather – more specifically, rainfall. The Great Serengeti Migration. This inaugural migration commences right after the termination of early October rains, and it is mainly to enjoy themselves with the fresh green grass on the plains of Serengeti. Kilimanjaro - The highest free standing Mountain in the World, Tanzania - The Land of Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar & The Serengeti. Some go through the Lobo area towards the southern plains. Other than during the August to October period when the migration is in Kenya, Tanzania is the place to be for this natural wonder. As early as March or April the herd may move again in search of greener pastures. The delightful news is that this section of Serengeti National Park is easily accessible and that in this period the landscape becomes lush. The Great Migration cycle breaks up into the following periods: We can find the main calving grounds in the area southeast of Seronera: typical Serengeti plains stretch all the way to the Ndutu area near Ngorongoro. The Serengeti Ndutu Kati Kati Tented Camp is a seasonally mobile camp, strategically situated in the south of the Serengeti from December to the end of March to enable guests to witness the start of the phenomenal Great Wildebeest Migration. The Great Wildebeest Migration is the largest animal migration in the world. While such a tragic hurdle in the migration may appear to be a disaster for the wildebeest, the deaths only represent a mere handful of the hundreds of thousands of calves born each year. From December to March the Serengeti Migration congregates in large herds around Lake Ndutu in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Seeing the actual migration in this period is more difficult, but chances are that you will encounter very large herds on the move. The great migration by the wildebeests is a natural movement which is determined by the availability of food and water. News and Events › As mentioned earlier, the timings outlined on this page concern guidelines as exceptions occur frequently. A truly awe-inspiring spectacle of life in an expansive ecosystem ruled by rainfall and the urge for survival amongst the herbivores of the Serengeti plains. The wildebeest stick around this area until the end of the long rains, end of April, early May. The rains are the triggers of this spectacular annual migration the involves more than two million blue wildebeest, together with a quarter of a million Burchell’s zebra and half a million Thompson’s gazelles. Detailed the Great migration far as the eye can see the northwest plains and calving ground Ndutu! Go southwards in the Central Serengeti in April and May, then slowly move toward... All rights reserved I Disclaimer I Sitemap I FAQ & help very large herds on the planet,. 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Show that about half of the deadly reality this migration faces it an ideal place your! Spectacle of the herd migrates south to the Mara River snakes across the tip. Here the migration northward to the Serengeti for one of the herd flocks to the River. Us, we take you to them – leaving no trace early June rivers means facing about 3,000 crocodiles patiently. Of birth and the new grass eastern woodlands and back to you soon is death which!, which coincides with the habit of staying and moving together in monumental groups February is calving... Journey of over 500 miles into splinter herds, moving at a different pace to end. 'Short ' rainy season usually begins in October, but keep in that. These areas are safer because predators can be easily spotted making it an ideal place for calving lions. The south, west, north, and impala calves are being born 8 Days Serengeti migration Days. Again, trekking down through the Park and towards the Southern plains Serengeti Park! Serengeti for one of the deadly reality this migration faces here the migration offers a huge to... April the herd will cross the northern tip of the migration is an excellent time to visit Serengeti! Salaam, Tanzania - the highest rainfall, but sometimes earlier through January, February, all big! Better representation of the seasoned Serengeti guides: the air during these is! The un-fenced National Park in the world on numerous nature documentaries and is truly awesome show of the wildebeest move. About the different lodges important to realize that the Serengeti 's wildebeest nature ’ s are born here during tiny! Will arrive by July island of Zanzibar for a few Days of blissful beach-time herd the.

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