When the narrator rushed on the deck he was relieved to see the outline of lle Amsterdam. What precautions did the narrator take when huge waves struck the boat on January 2? Unity is very essential for family, social and national life. The narrator went abroad for higher studies. They went through their life-raft drill. NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 4 Discovering Tut the Saga Continues solved by subject experts at LearnCBSE.in as per NCERT (CBSE) Book guidelines. He used his intelligence to estimate the influence of the westerly currents which flowed through that part of the Ocean. Ans. Gandhiji brought the whole nation under one flag and the result was the success of the freedom movement. Question 1. Ans. But they didn’t get any replies. Practicing these We’re Not Afraid to Die… If We Can All Be Together Class 11 English MCQs Questions with Answers really effective to improve your basics and learn all the key concepts. ( Log Out /  Justify the title: “We’re Not Afraid to die …” The waves were gigantic. His mouth was filled with blood and broken teeth. India became a slave due to the lack of unity among various rulers. These were the indications of the coming disaster. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! He was able to recall the backup electric pump, waterproofed the ship and performed repairs as required, identified nearest land/port and performed intense calculations despite the lack of proper equipment, did not convey his fears to his crew and presented a confident face throughout enhancing the morale of his team. If a man has certain qualities he can succeed in defeating even the impending disaster. She also made a card for her parents to show her love and gratitude. “We’re not afraid to die if we can all be together” Enotes also include title, characters, “We’re not afraid to die if we can all be together” summary in English, Summary in Hindi, “We’re not afraid to die if we can all be together” short summary, You will find “We’re not afraid to die if we can all be together” figures of speech, Word meanings, “We’re not afraid to die if we can all be … Q8. Her masts had fallen. However, in this story, we see other traits in the narrator which make him a good captain. The narrator was back in the chart room and read on the sextant. MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 2 We’re Not Afraid to Die… If We Can All Be Together with Answers. Ans. It gives us a clear vision. Question 1. He saw a big bump over her eyes. “We’re not afraid to die if we can all be together” analysis pdf is also available. The first leg of their 1, 05,000 kilometre journey passed pleasantly. He was “the best daddy in the whole world—and the best captain”. Physically unlit body drives away success. Their troubles started when they moved out of Cape Town. He sailed through the air into Wavewalker’s main boom. WE’RE NOT AFRAID TO DIE…IF WE CAN ALL BE TOGETHER QUESTION ANSWERS. English Hornbill - Chapter Notes, Questions & Answers The Portrait of A Lady - By Khuswant Singh (Chapter Summary) We are not afraid to die... (Summary) Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues... (Q & A) Class 11 English Core - Unit Test Paper 1 (2019-20) The journey began from Plymouth, England and headed south to Cape Town, South Africa. Larry and Herb did their job quite well. He accepted his approaching death without murmuring. Ans. Review Questions. Despite the lost compass and a faulty compass, the author did not lose hope. Report Writing Samples : The Prize Distribution Function, Essay Writing Format, structure and Examples. by Gordon Cook and Alan East. Wavewalker was near capsizing. First of all they got a boat especially designed and professionally built for this purpose. They were Larry Vigil and Swiss Herb Seigler. He was losing consciousness. Never did anybody shake or waver even for a second. The narrator Gordon Cook, his wife Mary and their children, Jonathan and Suzanne set sail on a ship to imitate the historical round-the world voyage undertaken by James Cook in 1768. They encountered strong gales. The captain really showed his heroic qualities. Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot, While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs, Making their mock at our accursèd lot. Learn how your comment data is processed. Also refer to other worksheets for the same chapter and other subjects too. If we can all be together” BY-GORDAN COOK AND ALAN EAST Introduction Of Family Members CHARACTERS IN THE STORY Captain Narrator Mary Captain's Wife Jonathan Captain's Son Suzzane Captain's Daughter Larry Vigil Crew Man Herb Seigler Crew Man 2.Describe On New Year’s Day the weather changed for the worse. Understanding the Text 1. They had been making formidable preparations for the last 16 years. But their respite was short-lived. He had worked hard in sharpening his seafaring skills in British waters. Unity ushers in peace, strength and progress and very adverse conditions pave way for success. Discuss. He asked Larry to steer a course of 185 degrees and remained optimistic about spotting the island at about 5 pm. The unlawful attempt or threat to inflict immediate harm or death is referred to as: a. Mayhem b. Wavewalker rode out storm. List the steps taken by the captain (i) to protect the ship when rough weather began. And in the end, they manage to defeat death and reach their destination. 1. Strong gales lashed it for the next few weeks. They were to help them ‘to take one of the world’s roughest seas, the Southern Indian Ocean. Plot Summary of We are Not Afraid to Die. MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 2 We’re Not Afraid to Die… If We Can All Be Together with Answers. History is full of examples where kings and emperors have been defeated owing to lack of unity. How did the first ‘disaster’ strike the ship? The lesson ‘We’re not afraid to die…………..if we can all be together’ depicts a grand lesson ‘United we stand, divided we fall’. Wavewalker was capsizing. ( Log Out /  Though the weather changed for the worse on the New Year’s Day, they all participated in its celebrations. “We’re Not Afraid to Die… if We Can All Be Together”- Questions and Answers. Take the quiz to find out! How did the narrator hurt himself on January 2? 1. scared of Macbeth. The narrator replied: “Not today”. Chapter 09. The howling of gales and spray was painful to the ears. They seek such adventures for pure joy and exhilaration. ... A Question of Trust Summary by Victor Canning June 9, 2019 The Binding Vine Summary by Shashi Deshpande December 21, 2018 To Build a Fire Analysis by Jack London October 13, 2019 Midsummer by … The crewmen could take two hours’ rest in rotation. Success is a rare commodity but it can be achieved. At about 2 pm he went on deck. Ans. Time, Place and opportunity are beyond our control but physical and mental abilities are within our reach. Jonathan and Sue proved that they were the children of brave and adventurous parents. Pumps had been working round the clock. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. He thought of his wife also, who stayed at the wheel for all those crucial hours? The proverb ‘United we stand, divided we fall’ holds true in the family as well as in national interest. Then with a heavy heart, he went below and dozed off. Oilskins and life-jackets were donned. This will help them to get better marks in examinations. The next morning all 28 inhabitants of the island cheered them and helped them ashore. Get into “We’re not afraid to die if we can all be together” pdf for free. For the past 16 years they had been making preparations. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. But she didn’t want to worry them when they were trying to save them all. Both of them felt that the end was very near. Adverse forces cannot harm when we stand united. By morning on January 3, the situation showed a little improvement. Lifelines were attached, oilskins and life jackets were donned. Ans. Ans. We’re Not afraid to Die—If We Can All Be Together Summary. On January 4, they received some respite. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. It had been tested for months in the roughest weather. “We’re Not Afraid to Die” is the story of rare courage and perseverance of the narrator’s family. When people are united they give no importance to their personal problems. Her death was mourned not only by the narrator’s family but also by the sparrows she fed regularly in the afternoon. Even the behaviour of the crewmen Larry and Herb was quite praiseworthy. His left ribs cracked and his mouth was filled with blood and broken teeth. The captain took immediate steps to save the boat. Q4. Efforts have in their womb the seeds of success. It was ‘a black piece of volcanic rock’. Ans. What is … PowerPoints. Ans. They saw the island before the narrator. Ans. When nothing seemed to work well, May-day calls or SOS signals were sent for rescue and help. Why did the narrator and Mary feel that ‘the end was very near’? Click Here for MCQ video of We are not afraid to die if we all can be together 1. By the morning of January 6, the wind eased. Ans. What was the response? Q14. They got a boat professionally built for this purpose. Describe Ile Amsterdam. Hence, the search for islands began. The section will have 12 questions including 6 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), i.e. Who were Larry and Herb? 4 ; Jgcc. Ans. A tremendous explosion shook the deck. 2. James cook wanted to duplicate the round the world voyage made 200 years earlier-1 ; The author of the getting old with which thing in the chapter of class 11th we are not afraid to die-1 mcq we are not afraid to dei. Describe the steps taken by the captain and the crewmen to protect the boat from the storm and the gigantic waves. The level of perseverance in the author rises when Jonathan says, “we’re not afraid of dying if we can all be together. “We’re Not Afraid to Die” is a saga of patience and bravery. His left ribs cracked and teeth were broken. Q1. How the narrator and his companions face the turbulent ocean for ten days and how they work together to survive against all odds, is an appropriate example of this dictum. By morning on January 3, Larry and Herb brought the water level sufficiently under control. Suzanne’s injuries were serious because she had to undergo six minor surgeries to remove a recurring blood clot between her skin and skull. Larry and Herb were continuously pumping out the water like madmen. Q11. We are not afraid to die if we can all be together summary in English. ‘ARMS BUILD-UP IN ASIA’. "(Вegin with The teacher forbade)Tiger Woods is the most powerful golfer at present. Mary found some corned beef and biscuits. This will help them to get better marks in examinations. meaning of sulks do not spam we must salute the Indian flag find the adjectives and its kind The teacher said to the pupils, "Do not go out alone. Most of the water was now being thrown over the sides. He felt quite peaceful even when death was approaching and Wavewalker was near capsizing. (ii) to check the flooding of the water in the ship. They were somewhere in 1, 05,000 kilometres of ocean searching for a 65 kilometre-wide island. Mcq on chapter we were not afraid to die at least 20 mcqs. It has gotten 6220 views and also has 4.9 rating. The narrator, his wife and children, set sail from Plymouth, England with great hope, excitement and determination. Describe the situation on January 4. Then came a growing roar. Oilskins and life-jackets were donned. Even death fails to frighten the people who stand united and they strive selflessly to reach the destination. Q.1 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION. The first portion of the journey that is about 1,05,000 kilometres up to Cape Town passed off very enjoyably. Our first war of freedom in 1857 did not bear fruit as there was no unity. Ans. The narrator was a 37-year-old businessman. When the gigantic waves struck Wavewalker, they continued pumping water out of the boat. If a man has certain qualities he can succeed in defeating even the impending disaster. The storm jib was dropped. It comprised his wife and children, with the crewmen. But still it couldn’t hold for long to reach Australia. About This Quiz. He dropped the storm jib and lashed heavy mooring … Q3. By the morning of January 6, the wind eased. 9th - 12th grade. They went up as high as the main mast. Ans. The next day all 28 inhabitants cheered and helped them ashore. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. 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They began to encounter strong gales. Somehow, he found the wheel and hung on. 2. United efforts create favourable circumstances and the boat of life reaches the coast, all safe and sound and undamaged. Describe in brief how the voyage began in July 1976 from Plymouth, England and ended at a small island Isle Amsterdam in the South Indian Ocean. Unfortunately the ship partially wrecked in the Indian Ocean and the sailors faced death very clo… “We’re Not afraid to die… if We Can All Be Together”- By- Gordon Cook and Alan East Value Based Questions and Answers of “We’re Not afraid to die… if We Can All Be Together” Value-Based questions. intelligence is the next quality required to achieve the aim. They rose as high as up to the main mast. His son declared that he was “the best daddy in the whole world and the best captain”. The water level was sufficiently under control. Unity and cooperation lead to success and progress. How did the narrator accept his ‘approaching death and why was he still peaceful’? ( Log Out /  They tested it for months in the roughest weather. Unity gives us an aim and all the members work towards achieving that aim. The proverb ‘United we stand, divided we fall’ holds true in the family as well as in national interest. The narrator saw a torrent of green and white water breaking over the ship. Assessment of Speaking and Listening (ASL), CBSE Class 12 English Writing Skills Formats 2018 Along With Topics Of Report Writing, Format Of Report Writing In English Along With Report Writing Questions, 20. Suddenly, the children shouted that the island was in front of them and it was as big as a battleship. WE’RE NOT AFRAID TO DIE…IF WE CAN ALL BE TOGETHER WORD MEANINGS, cbse english CLASS 11 HORNBILL WE’RE NOT AFRAID TO DIE…IF WE CAN ALL BE TOGETHER WORD MEANINGS, Ncert CLASS 11 english HORNBILL WE’RE NOT AFRAID TO DIE…IF WE CAN ALL … Heavy ropes were looped across the stern. CBSE Class 11 English Chapter 4 Discovering Tut the Saga Continue exercise questions with solutions to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations. Q5. Ans. Q1. Get Chapter Wise MCQ Questions for Class 11 English with Answers of Hornbill, Snapshots PDF Free Download prepared here according to the latest CBSE syllabus and NCERT curriculum. Jon asked if they were going to die. Ans. (a) he was hurt but steady (b) he flew overboard sinking below the waves (c) he was not hurt (d) he gained control immediately. Not hold long enough for them to reach Australia, your blog can not when. Commodity but it would not hold long enough for them to get better marks in examinations back to knots... Has following words for storms the past 16 years narrator accept his ‘ approaching death and their! Also been provided for your reference two crewmen few weeks and broken teeth expected the changed. 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